Taking Leadership to a New Level
Executives and managers form the backbone of organisational culture. The ability to create added value is essential to a strong organisational culture, in the shaping of which the executives and managers of an organisation play a key role. Executives and managers are expected to be able to skilfully change their leadership strategies in order to lead their teams to success in the ever-changing business world. Successful leadership consists of guidance, effective implementation of strategies, and inspiring the workforce by setting a good example. Instead of traditional leadership training for executives and managers, we offer impressive and effective development programmes, which take leadership skills to a whole new level.
Suvi Tuominiemi
Business Coach
+358 50 361 6016
Tiina Luoto-Mäenpää
Business Coach
+358 50 546 7575
Harri Helander
Change Consultant
+358 40 584 1145