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    Webinar Recording
    Strategic Capabilities Development and Reskilling


    Strategic Capabilities Development and Reskilling

    Webinar - Strategic Capabilities Development and Reskilling

    This time in our webinar, we discuss how to identify and develop the strategic capabilities of our employees. You will receive answers for example to the following questions:

    • How do you know that employees´ development is in line with the requirements of the strategy?
    • How do you monitor the development of strategic capabilities?
    • How do you get your employees to assess and develop strategic capabilities?
    • How do you combine the requirements of future competitiveness with the interests of your employee?

    Our guest and co-host is a pioneer of Strategic Capabilities and Reskilling, and also our partner, Fuel50´s CEO Anne Fulton. Webinar was held in November 2020. Watch webinar  recording by filling out the form.

    Webinar Recording

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      Me olemme kumppanisi muutoksessa ja kehityksessä. Autamme asiakkaitamme saavuttamaan päämääränsä toteuttamalla laajoja kehitysohjelmia, räätälöityjä täsmävalmennuksia sekä tutkimuksia ja arviointeja. Toimimme erityisesti johtamisen, asiakaskokemuksen, myynnin sekä työyhteisön kehittämisen alueilla.
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